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Beginning botanical sections -- no-prep slides

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 11:28 pm
by Rameau
I'm just beginning with slide preparation and have built (ie thrown together from junk lying around) a hand-microtome. Some examples of what my zero-dollar microtome produces can be found below:
2 sets of images of TS sections of a (thin) broccoli stem. No clearing or fixing -- straight from the microtome into warm water, thence to a slide, stained, rinsed twice and (wet) mounted.

My next adventure in no-prep slides will be for minimal effort permanent mounts using PVA glue. But what I'd like to do ultimately is prepare multi-stained permanent mounts illustrating plant histology/biology. To that end, I wonder if someone might recommend a good (ie technically feasible for a beginner) protocol to follow?