RECAP: Purpose of this sub-forum

About the shape and function of different specimens
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RECAP: Purpose of this sub-forum

#1 Post by linuxusr » Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:25 pm

Thanks to the members who gave positive feedback on the concept for this sub-forum and thanks to admin/editor Oliver Kim for approving it . . .

I will relate an experience to indicate why this sub-forum has the potential to be edifying as well as exciting:

Recently, from an infusion, I had one of my first experiences observing a Paramecium. I was looking at what I thought must be a vacuole. Suddenly that vacuole converted into a star shape, then changed back. Then I noticed that there were two, one anterior and one posterior. Further, the opening and closing occurred regularly, so I counted, about 5 seconds per cycle. I then discovered that I was looking at contractile vacuoles and proceeded to the glossary in Chapter 2 of Lynn’s The Ciliated Protozoa , Third Edition. There I found that that I was looking at a CV (contractile vacuole), a “ . . . liquid-filled organelle (sometimes multiple), serving as an osmoregulator in the cytoplasm of nearly all ciliates; generally pulsates with regular frequency under natural conditions . . . “ p. 24.

Tantalizing questions worthy of discussion could be:

1. What is osmoregulation?
2. What mechanism (in ciliates) determines the periodicity of the cycling of these vacuoles?

I am NOT asking for answers to these questions here. I am suggesting that the myriad fascinating topics for discussion that arise based on our observations, as well as reading, do NOT have a venue at the MH forum.

Segue to the sub-forum “Identification help:” Clearly the question most oft raised when looking down the eye tubes is: What is it? So clearly this sub-forum is essential. Its purpose is taxonomic identification. Giving something a name is critical if we are going to have mutually intelligible conversation. However, this sub-forum is NOT the place for the most fertile and intrinsically fascinating questions for discussion relating to morphology and behavior. If raised here, those points appear as digressions and not main topics for discussion. Now, surely, a subset of morphological observations (e.g. Does it have cilia? Does it have chloroplasts?) are necessary to identification but the end goal of that discussion is identification and not answering the question: How does it work?

In short: "Identification help" asks What is it? "Morphology and Behavior" asks How does it work?

The flow is that first you go to Identification help to identify your specimen provided that you cannot identify it. IF you find something about that specimen that you find interesting that you would like to question, explore or research, then you go "Morphology and Behavior."
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Greg Howald
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Re: RECAP: Purpose of this sub-forum

#2 Post by Greg Howald » Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:22 pm

That is great news. Meaningful, intelligent discussion.
Even if one like me who is not qualified to make real contribution takes part, the learning potential will be huge.

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Re: RECAP: Purpose of this sub-forum

#3 Post by DonSchaeffer » Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:19 pm

I am very grateful for this thread. Questions regarding purposeful activity and the perception of animism are core to my academic interest.

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