Leitz trinocular heads

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Leitz trinocular heads

#1 Post by drDICOM » Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:53 pm

There was a very useful post (here, I think) that described the later Leitz trinocular heads, their dovetail diameters, and eyepiece parfocal distance. One problem I have encountered is decoding Leitz product names into their part numbers. Example: FSA-GW-R, a trinocular head for the Orthoplan 2/Aristoplan. It takes the 30mm diameter eyepieces, the GW 10X/26M and GW 8X/28M. However, most of the Leitz trinocular heads show some part number on them, such as 512/815 20. Does anyone know of some sort of catalog or brochure that links these numbers to the product description? I have been trying to find the trinocular head that takes the 30mm diameter widefield eyepieces for the Aristoplan/Orthoplan 2. I see a lot of them (eBay) that I am sure are for the original Orthoplan (some descriptions actually say this and others give the dovetail diameter that is different from the Orthoplan 2 one), so none described as being for the Aristoplan, though some are for the later Diaplan (the 160mm tube length version) that might (?) be the same as the Aristoplan one.

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Re: Leitz trinocular heads

#2 Post by wabutter » Tue May 11, 2021 3:11 am

I hope this answers your question. The following trinoc tubes are for use on the following microscopes
Biomed, Laborlux, Dialux, Diaplan, Labovert/Fluorvert, Aristoplan. Also the metallurgical and semiconductor line extensions.

512815. FSA/20. Has 23mm eye tubes, beamsplitter 0/100; 50/50; 10/90: supports up to a 20mmFOV
512748. FSA-R/20. Same as FSA/20 with reflecting system for measuring field and formatting
512716. FSA-VR/20. Same as FSA/20 with variable inclination 0-40 degrees, erect image

572039. FSA-VR/25. Same as 512716 with GW eyepieces
512818. FSA-GW-R 1.25x. Same as 512748, for GW eyepieces up to FOV 28mm
512799. FSA-GW-R 1.25x. Same as 512818 with second photo port
512761. FSA-VR/20. 0-40 degree inclination, upright image, up to 20mm FOV
572093. FSA-VR/25 same as 512761 but for GW eyepieces to 25mm FOV
For microscope tubes with 50mm fitting, for Orthoplan, Metalloplan
512734. FSA-GW-R same as 512818 specs
512787. FSA-GW-R. Same as 512818 with second photo port

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