CLOSTERIUM in psychedelic colors

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CLOSTERIUM in psychedelic colors

#1 Post by microplan » Tue Apr 23, 2024 8:27 am


Another sample of fresh water from the forest pond.
And once again there was a beautiful, green CLOSTERIUM on the glass.
It's probably quite a large individual, because its internal structure is clearly visible.
I particularly enjoyed recognizing elements such as the nucleus and pyrenoids.
Of course, I did it with the help of literature.
Because I use DIC PZO, the colors obtained are a bit unnatural.
I come to the conclusion that my microscopic observations are divided into two stages. Before and after using DIC. For now, I'm absolutely fascinated by the new technique.
For today's observation I used the following lenses:
1. 40x without oil
2. 100x with oil
3. 40x with oil even though the 40x was not an oil lens.
BIOLAR PZO microscope


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