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What the sensor saw

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:52 pm
by Phill Brown
IMG-20230121-WA0006.jpg (80.34 KiB) Viewed 1134 times
Just as a point of interest really.
Taken with APS-C Canon 50D.
So far just a bad picture but it's in DF with the field iris closed.
1.3v on a 6v 30w halogen projected on to the back of a thin aluminium patch.
All dark to the eye but anyway, the sensor made this from it.
It was a while ago so the embedded if there is any was from taking the picture of the rear screen on the camera with my phone at the time.
Can't find the original on SD somewhere as the exposure time would be most relevant, would have been similar to taking night sky.
Most likely only a 4x objective but may have been 10x.
If the patch was giving off IR the background should show colours.
Most likely there is limited light around the edge of the patch and it is just that,a not very good image with aberrations galore.