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Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 9:20 pm
by Cruzer1100
Will I become one. Just ordered my first scope, I remember back Sooooo many years ago a mason jar, water and straw and the elementary class microscope, and the things I saw. Am I going down a road that will make me a Germ-A- Phob. I expect my scope in a few days. I have Ajar to grow bacteria from my door knobs, gathered hay, will look at dust under the couch, test my well water, 5 day old sliced bread, house plant dirt, bed sheet scraping, and anything else I can get on a slide. Excited in the journey.

Re: Germ-A-Phob

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 9:31 pm
by DonSchaeffer
Sounds like you are a germ-a-file. Stop calling them germs. Treat these life forms with the respect they deserve.

Re: Germ-A-Phob

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:08 pm
by Cruzer1100
Did not expect to be chastised on my VERY first post. Was trying to be humorous and hoping most would get the gest of the post. Did not realize there is no gray area. I apologize, I was kindda excited in exploring the new "micro" world to me. Never meant to offend anyone. Didn't know this was a professional forum, should I look else where.

Re: Germ-A-Phob

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 11:01 pm
by BramHuntingNematodes
I wouldn't fret too much cruzer. If anything I have become used to the idea the everywhere is constantly teeming with microscopic life and that it is impossible to avoid.

Re: Germ-A-Phob

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 12:27 am
by dtsh
Text isn't always the easiest media for communication and it can be easy to mis-read, I suspect there's a little of that at play here.

This seems to be a place for amateurs, professionals, and anyone else who's interested in learning.
There are members here from all over the world, English is common, but not everyone uses it to the same capacity. The members here are also usually very respectful of one another, but we're all human.
Given the occasional issues finding a common tongue, the problems of misunderstanding, and the issue of sometimes being a cranky human, it's usually best to assume a slight is a misunderstanding.

What scope did you get Cruzer100?

Anything in particular you're hoping to see?

Re: Germ-A-Phob

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 2:57 am
by lorez2
I hope your new scope is a winner. The quest for something to observe is addictive. Every day new lifeforms are discovered in the most unexpected places.

good luck,


Re: Germ-A-Phob

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:44 am
by chrisimbee
Welcome Cruzer1100 ,

microscopy is an amazing world full of beauty and knowledge :)

If it can make you feel better i was told on another forum that beautifull images had not its place in microscopy and that only information in the image mattered !!

So dont worry :) there are all sorts of microscopist in the world :) and yes writting in a non mother tongue langage is tricky (its my case as i'm french)

Just enjoy what you are going to see and share it with us :)

i'm looking forward to see your first observations whatever the microscope you'll get


Re: Germ-A-Phob

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:10 pm
by Cruzer1100
dish....I agree with you 100 percent, text is not an easy media. At first it stung a little bit and I reacted .But then I asked myself that I may be reading more into the text than I should. And I like to apologize to Don.
As I was trying to convey in my text I am planning on looking at first. And that I am aware of unseen things all around us.
I got the AmScope B120, checking tracking number ever hour cant get here quick enough.
Again I apologize for any I may have offended.

Re: Germ-A-Phob

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 4:42 pm
by MicroBob
Hi Cruzer1100,
welcome to the forum! I'm sure you will find a lot of interesting things to observe. A very rich topic to start with is water life in ponds and by scraping off pieces of plants and floating wood it is easy to collect nice material.
Bacteria are not the best topic for the amateur, with the light microscope you can only identify the general shape, but no details and no further identification by just looking at them. When growing them in agar dishes there starts to develop a safety issue and you shoul read up how to do this safely.

With which name can we adress you?


Re: Germ-A-Phob

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 9:32 pm
by DonSchaeffer
I was also trying to be funny. Sorry! No offense intended.