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My First Ever Tardigrade Video

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:34 am
by HowardHopkinson
My first Tardigrade video.
This little chap was found in a moss sample and was filmed at 200X magnification.

Re: My First Ever Tardigrade Video

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:54 am
by SilverWolf
So awesome you found one, I thought it would be easier to find a tardigrade but after 40 slides no luck as yet. Thank you for sharing your find, my wife also enjoyed it.

Re: My First Ever Tardigrade Video

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:51 am
by HowardHopkinson
Thanks mate.

Here's what I did.

I collected several samples of moss and soaked them in fishtank water for about 10 hours or so, I then looked at the container under my stereo microscope at 45X magnification to make sure it contained Tardigrades which it did, it also contained rotifers and lots and lots or worms and a few moss mites too.
I then swished the moss around the container, took out the moss and squeezed the water out into a fresh container.
I then took 3 samples of that water and made up 3 slides one at a time and searched them under my SW380T. Of course it was the last slide that contained the Tardigrade lol. I used various magnifications but settled on 200X using my 20X objective as it showed the Tardigrade at a good size without it appearing too large.

This is about the fith Tardigrade I've found thus far, not easy, but then again not that difficult either. Patience is key methinks.


Re: My First Ever Tardigrade Video

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:02 am
by SilverWolf
Fantastic critters, well aren't they all... lol. I grabbed 4 moss samples in with a little pond water and was certain I'd find some, I was if anything a bit over-confident and underestimating the micro-cosmos lol. I figure there may well be several in my little jar but finding and getting one onto the slide...Hmmm... I really want to get a stereo scope as well, something that does upto 45x maybe. Would be fantastic for insects and doing electrical repairs, had a heck of a time fixing my phone using a magnifying glass/lamp.

Re: My First Ever Tardigrade Video

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 10:17 am
by HowardHopkinson
A stereo scope is a great addition mate. The one I have(see signature) does from 3.5X to 90X magnification and has a zoom control and 2 interchangable barlow lenses 0.5X and 2X, it wasn't too expensive, though I did have to buy an LED ringlight for it. I primarily bought it for insect observation, but I'm finding lots of other uses for it too.

Re: My First Ever Tardigrade Video

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:08 pm
by MickH
Lovely stuff Howard. I've yet to catch a Tardigrade but I have moss and lichen aplenty so it's only a matter of time.

I also fancy a stereo microscope but I think I'll have to wait for my birthday or xmas - if I bought one now, so soon after buying my Swift, I think she'd kill me! 😂