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How to post photos???

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 3:21 pm
by Judge
Could someone tell me simplest way to post photos on the forum?

Re: How to post photos???

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:40 pm
by Sure Squintsalot
No doubt about it, posting photos to this site is a pain in the ass. Having a 4K monitor, I generally use very high resolution images that this site does not accept....something about limited server storage space, which is cool, I guess. But it means that posters must downsample their images to under 500Kb before uploading to this site. Other forums have built-in apps that can do this automatically, but that costs money, which the owner does not, or cannot spend.

At any rate, here's how I have to do it:

Open your photo in whatever program you're running.
Find the Windows snipping tool in "Windows Accessories" Folder:
Screenshot 2022-12-15 101841.jpg
Screenshot 2022-12-15 101841.jpg (46.62 KiB) Viewed 748 times
Snip the photo and save it to your desktop. Experiment with the snip dimension/screen size until you can save an image that's under 500Kb.
Then, on your MicrobeHunter forum post, add that file from your desktop (1) then place inline (2) wherever you click your cursor, where you want it to appear in the text. Click the preview (3) to check your work. That's it!
Screenshot 2022-12-15 103151.jpg
Screenshot 2022-12-15 103151.jpg (46.08 KiB) Viewed 748 times
Note that even these files over time will add up to your profile's storage allotment, which is also pretty limited.

Your other option is to hotlink to an offsite photostorage account, which many people do, which also kind of sucks; if those accounts disappear, so do those photos. There are inumerable topics on this site that are now useless because of missing photos due to broken links or defunct photo accounts.

Re: How to post photos???

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:45 pm
by Dennis
the photos must be online somewhere.
Most would not have linkable web space websites but
a cloud space or photos site of some kind
and then between Embed tags you put the URL of the actual photo, and not a link at a website which shows the photo on a page.

Oh I see Sir Squint a lot says you can put a photo from your PC. I did not know it but then I knew my Avatar came off the PC.
Well guess I learned.

Re: How to post photos???

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 7:13 pm
by Judge
I posted on "Beginner's Corner" with Flicker. Check it out and tell me what you think.

Re: How to post photos???

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 8:56 pm
by Sure Squintsalot
...maybe it's a great pic. This is all I see:

Screenshot 2022-12-15 135121.jpg
Screenshot 2022-12-15 135121.jpg (65.45 KiB) Viewed 703 times