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Seeking Learned Opinions...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:02 am
by lorez
I've been following the threads about microtomes and am now coming down with a mild case of motivation. I have little knowledge of microtomes and although I have four of five, of varying designs, none of them have a blade. I've looked on line to some degree and find nothing I can understand.

The photo at the end of one of the threads showed a DIY (?) razor blade holder that seems as though it may have some application to my needs.

The question, at last, is whether an aluminum bar would be adequate to support a razor blade.


Re: Seeking Learned Opinions...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:30 am
by 75RR
Do you mean to try to substitute the "knife" for a razor blade held by a aluminum bar?
Is this in a Cambridge Rocking Microtome?

Here is the manual in case you have not download it:
The photo at the end of one of the threads showed a DIY (?) razor blade holder that seems as though it may have some application to my needs.
Can you provide a link to the photo?

I think it should be possible to adapt something that could work with modern disposable microtome blades.
Not a bad idea really if sharpening the knife proves difficult/impractical.

Re: Seeking Learned Opinions...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:02 am
by lorez

I don't know how to link, but the post is by Seb28 and it is toward the end of the Brunel Rocking microtome thread.

It appears that the bar is steel and I wondered whether aluminum would do as well or if I am missing something.


Re: Seeking Learned Opinions...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:25 am
by 75RR
I think this is the link to the post. Last image.

Seb28 did not provide any more info. Best to send him a Personal Message.

I imagine steel is best because it flexes more than aluminum.
Do not know how practical a razor blade is compared to a disposable microtome blade - however I do expect it to be cheaper.

Re: Seeking Learned Opinions...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:07 pm
by mrsonchus
How about the bi-concave razor sold for hand microtomes? They cost under £10 and are very sharp and very sturdy and have a long usable cutting edge....
I may try the razor that came with my hand microtome in my rocker to see...

Re: Seeking Learned Opinions...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:39 pm
by Peter
Hi lorez,
Why would you want to use aluminium in this situation? Steel is a much stronger per volume material.

Re: Seeking Learned Opinions...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:34 pm
by rnabholz
For use as a handle as depicted in the linked picture, I would argue that with 1/8 thick aluminum, at the approximate length shown of 6 to 8 inches, there would note be any real advantage in using steel.

Flex on the handle would not be a plus in my opinion. Any curve that the handle imparts to the blade would cause the section to be less uniform in thickness. Stiff is better, but the demands made on this setup are small.

As the razor makes the cut, the handle will not come under any significant stress or pressure that aluminum in that thickness couldn't take.

If you have aluminum, go ahead and use it.

Re: Seeking Learned Opinions...

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:08 am
by lorez
Thanks to all,

In answer to a couple of questions, Peter, I have the aluminum and the ability to work with it much more so than steel.

Probably the best thing to do is to try it. I have the material and can find some time. It may be a good project to report on.
