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Re: Patreon Support: My Two Cents

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:54 pm
by linuxusr
Amateur microscopy, in this second go-round after a hiatus of 25 years, is a major feature of my life.

And is a major and indispensable feature of my avocation.

I have looked at other Web 2.0 venues for amateur microscopy: dribble-drabble. The level of sophistication and study of the many students of science at is outstanding.

I am a newcomer here. But I assume that this is, largely, a one person show, and that that one person is Oliver Kim.

In future, if this site were to go under, it would be a major loss for amateur microscopy. The best way to ensure that that does not happen is to support this site via Patreon.

I was recently able to add a little to my monthly Patreon payment by combing through my myriad monthly digital bills and aggregating and cancelling the ones I never use (e.g. $5.00 USD per month to and then transferring that money to Patreon. Hint. Hint.

I'm sure that the cost of running the server, backups, etc. must be considerable. And then there is the question of the unrecompensed labor of Mr. Kim. Evidently it's a labor of love, but $$ sure helps.

Personally, I like the freeware/shareware model where this site is free but also has a premium level which includes a monthly subscription. What would distinguish the premium from the non-premium is something that could be discussed.