ChatGPT can be your best friend

Do you have any microscopy questions, which you are afraid to ask? This is your place.
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ChatGPT can be your best friend

#1 Post by MicroPunter » Sat Oct 21, 2023 4:03 pm

I’m relatively new to microscopy and biology. I haven’t studied biology since my O’ Levels 40 years ago. When I first bought my microscope I also got a couple sets of prepared slides and I loved looking at the pretty pictures under my microscope but, like Oliver’s sister, I didn’t know enough to appreciate them fully. I’m still learning and have a long way to go.

When I look at my own slides, such as bread mold, I use ChatGPT like this:

Me: “I’m looking at bread mold under a microscope, what should I see?”

ChatGPT: When observing bread mold under a microscope, you should see various structures and components of the mold. These may include:

1. “**Hyphae**: These are the thread-like structures that make up the body of the mold. They should be visible, resembling a network or web.

2. **Spores**: Look for tiny, round structures often at the tips of the hyphae. These are the reproductive units of the mold.

3. **Color and Texture**: Note the color and texture of the mold. Different types of bread molds may appear in various colors, such as green, white, or black.

4. **Mycelium**: This is the mass of hyphae that spreads over the bread. It might resemble a web-like mat.

5. **Zones of Growth**: Observe where the mold is actively growing and where it might be less active or dying off.

Keep in mind that the specific appearance can vary depending on the type of mold and the environmental conditions. Make sure to handle the mold and microscope slides with care to avoid contamination.”

I have serious reservations about the use of AI, or should that be the misuse? However, when used as a learning tool, as opposed to a cheating tool, it can be very useful. At least I find it useful, I expect I’m trying to teach egg sucking here, but I was very surprised how useful it was.

charlie g
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Re: ChatGPT can be your best friend

#2 Post by charlie g » Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:33 am

Hi, micropunter,...chatGPT puts so much distance from actual 'vetted research' on oh so many areas of current science findings/ factual reality truths...why be so complacent as to partner with an 'AI' source for your growth in being alive and a participant in all of our reality? Perhaps it best for you to enjoy microscopy on internet :you-tube? Why did you mention: "Olivers sister ", in you post?!! Who are you?!!

Just this week, the 'new and improved eBay platform' totally blocked me from replying to a seller'...the moment I completed my reply to the seller ( an under $100 sale, but the seller sent me somebody other's item),

eBay the moment I hit:"send" ...informed me: ' we block your reply as we scan replies ...and we need to search for fraud, or violations of 'eBay terms' under $100 USD payment was indicated in in the

eBay pro-forma announcement earlier: " your purchase has been delivered"...irritatingly including an image of the item I indeed paid for. eBay itself, when I posted what happened, and why this nonsense of: " your item has been delivered"...including an image of the items I paid for...why are sellers permitted to do this?!!...eBay stated to my reaction to : 'give reply to this completed transaction'.

When I trotted out the simple facts: ' I paid up front for an item which was not sent to me, the seller to date has not stated when I will be shipped my paid for items'. Why does eBay platform proforma send me e-mail: " your purchase has been delivered...including image of the very items I paid for upfront?"...eBay reply was: ' thank you, we will use this for improving the eBay experience'.

My sense, micropunter, is that : 'AI' and 'chat GBT' are not our best friends. all the best, charlie g

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Re: ChatGPT can be your best friend

#3 Post by MicroPunter » Sun Oct 22, 2023 7:58 pm

charlie g wrote:
Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:33 am
Why did you mention: "Olivers sister ", in you post?!! Who are you?!!
I was referencing a video were Microbehunter mentioned a visit from his sister and nephew and she said all his prepared slides looked the same and he had to explain why they weren’t all the same. When I look at something under the microscope I don’t have a Microbehunter to explain things, so I asked ChatGPT. It’s a tool, why are you making a big issue of my using it?

And, like you, I am an absolute no body. Who the hell are you to ask me that?!!

charlie g
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Re: ChatGPT can be your best friend

#4 Post by charlie g » Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:16 pm

I apologize, micropunter. Citing family of our terrific forum founder..'hooked my child'.

'Who are you?!' was a reaction to you dropping family members of Olivers in a thread with no context at all to said family member's mention . I sense it was in poor taste...go figure. So, yes...'who are you to plunk family members in your thread..unless their your family'?

Enjoy your AI/ chatGPT microscopy. I apologize for upsetting you with my reaction, I doubt you 'are a nobody like me'.

charlie g
Last edited by charlie g on Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: ChatGPT can be your best friend

#5 Post by Scarodactyl » Sun Oct 22, 2023 10:20 pm

Charlie, no offense but what are you talking about? This isn't about eBay.

Chatgpt is just a predictive text engine. On introductory stuff it will tend to get the correct answer because it's repeated a lot in its training dataset but that's it--it doesn't know anything and it will sound just as convincing generating sentences with incorrect information as correct information.

charlie g
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Re: ChatGPT can be your best friend

#6 Post by charlie g » Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:38 pm

Within the OP thread context, AI/ not a best friend. I was using my less than a week ago experience with eBay's new AI setup to demonstrate problems with AI 'responses' on eBay.

Opening my post here I noted chatGPT is far from a source of vetted science...and AI is the overarching driver of chatGPT systems...I sense chatGPT can internally scan what it states...mechanics, not mindful reflection,

then after multiple iterations produce a response. Applications of AI/chatGPT are a problem...not the sound explanation you offer of 'how it works',scarodactyl.

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Re: ChatGPT can be your best friend

#7 Post by Scoper » Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:23 am

AI has enormous potential…

With that said I recently tested some of the AI tools available to locate certain microscopy items…it failed miserably.

charlie g
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Re: ChatGPT can be your best friend

#8 Post by charlie g » Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:27 am

Hi all, again (no way is this a highjack of OP thread)...AI/chatGPT is nothing to be to touted as 'our best friend'. I sincerely mean this.

Last month, across the road from our semi-rural land...a car ( it had to be medical crisis , or intoxicated driver) smacked into a utility-pole...and shattered an adjacent outdoor utility canister for phone circuits.

When by mobile phone I contacted the 'land line phone provider'...AI put me though a dance of: " is your problem billing", is "your problem service", is your "problem service outage"..."we do not understand why you are calling"...after 10 minutes of this dance ( at each query point, I stated: 'a bad car crash accident destroyed the outdoors field canister of phone circuits") the AI replied: "we will give you a representative"..

the human came on to my phone call, efficienty stated: " we will send out a field technician, thank you" Woe to all of us when 'AI/chatGPT' is placed for emergency calls regarding life or death'. If the great state of Colorado/Us can not afford to pay certified math teachers K-12....perhaps AI/chatGPT will of 'budgetary crisis' on their 911 emergency setup, one day soon.

That same evening...our land-line provider sent a message: " thank you for alerting us to this incedent".

I know as of this month, 10/23, the great US state of Colorado has ellected: "online math courses for it's K-12 grades " they pay cheap ( compared to other US states for public school teachers) teaching because Colorado does not have enough math-certified teachers.

Imagine what: AI/chatGPT willl potentially foster in this enviroment .
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Re: ChatGPT can be your best friend

#9 Post by Alexander » Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:18 am

ChatGPT my friend? This "intelligence" can't correctly answer the most simple questions.

Which liquids feature a lower refractive index than water?

A refractive index is a measure of how much light bends or refracts when it passes through a particular substance. Water typically has a refractive index of about 1.333 at room temperature. Substances with a refractive index lower than that of water (1.333) are said to have a lower refractive index. Some common liquids with lower refractive indices than water include:

Air: Air has a refractive index close to 1.0003 under standard conditions, which is much lower than that of water.
Vegetable oil: Many vegetable oils, such as canola oil or sunflower oil, have refractive indices that are lower than that of water.
Alcohol: Ethanol (drinking alcohol) and other alcoholic beverages have refractive indices lower than water.
Mineral oil: Mineral oil, often used in cosmetics and as a lubricant, has a refractive index lower than water.
These are just a few examples, and there are many other liquids with refractive indices lower than water. The refractive index of a substance can vary depending on factors like temperature and the specific type or composition of the liquid.

air is a gas

You are absolutely correct; air is composed of gases, not a liquid. I apologize for the error in my previous response.

When discussing substances with lower refractive indices than water, we should consider other liquids and not gases like air. Thank you for pointing that out.

Even the explanation "A refractive index is a measure of how much light bends or refracts when it passes through a particular substance." is wrong. The refraction happens on the surface not when passing through.

all liquids you named feature a higher refractive index than water.

I apologize for the incorrect information in my previous responses. You are absolutely right. The liquids I mentioned, such as vegetable oil, alcohol, and mineral oil, indeed have higher refractive indices than water.

If you are looking for liquids with lower refractive indices than water, it can be a bit more challenging to find common examples, as water is a relatively low refractive index substance among everyday liquids. Typically, you would need to look at more specialized materials, such as certain types of oils or organic compounds. It's important to note that liquids with significantly lower refractive indices than water are not common in everyday life.

An example for a liquid featuring a refractive index lower than water is methanol but this simple fact is obviously beyond the intelligence of ChatGPT.

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