Looking to buy compound microscope with either wireless OR monitor and ability to take video and pix

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Looking to buy compound microscope with either wireless OR monitor and ability to take video and pix

#1 Post by jackieone » Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:01 pm

I'm literally dizzy from looking at hundreds of microscopes on Amazon. Every time I think I've found "THE" one, it doesn't have a camera. Or reviews say the pix and video is pretty bad...and so on.
So here's what I'm looking for:

1) a compound microscope, three optics are OK but slots for four would be better (slots are not a deal breaker)
BEST: wireless connect to my iPad (<-- perfect) or smartphone (<--also OK); but not Mac, not Windows, not any laptop.
Next best: has a monitor: 7" is fine, 10" is better
BUT must have a camera to take photos and videos (what I see on the screen of the monitor), saving to micro sd card is just perfect!

2) I will never look through the eyepieces, only through the monitor, so binocular, stereo, trinocular are all moot.

I have seen some with the monitor, but I then must purchase a camera to take the pix which transfer to a laptop. Or, no monitor, has camera, but only connects to laptop or Mac. *sigh*

Recently, I have had a small Tomlov tube which connected perfectly with my iPad, pictures were fine for bigger samples, but not for water creatures. So I upgraded.

My current setup is a Tomlov "coin" microscope - a magnifying tube, not compound, with 10" monitor, saves photos and videos to sd card, but is really best for larger specimens, not the water samples. Plus, the camera can be in perfectly fine focus, but when I start a video, the camera readjusts the focus, putting the sample out-of-focus, then videoing. When finished, it puts it back into perfect focus. Is this making me crazy? A resounding "YES!"
I've contacted them, but I have a feeling this is going to be a fight to the finish...

Anyway, I'm sure if I can get decent information, this is the place. I've been quietly following posts for a few months now, and I'm impressed as can be with the intensity and quality of the information posted in the forums. Plus, the photos and videos are outstanding.

Thanks in advance for information, workarounds, etc. Much appreciated!

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Re: Looking to buy compound microscope with either wireless OR monitor and ability to take video and pix

#2 Post by PeteM » Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:11 pm

I'd suggest you get a separate camera and monitor from the microscope. A fifty-year-old microscope can still perform at a very high standard compared to anything twice the price new. However, cameras tend to become obsolete or broken in five years. A majority of the people I know who bought an "affordable" digital microscope (with the camera built-in) regret it, sometimes sooner than later.

If you tell us your application and your budget, we can likely suggest good options for capturing an image and displaying it.

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Re: Looking to buy compound microscope with either wireless OR monitor and ability to take video and pix

#3 Post by apochronaut » Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:45 pm

Microscope images are just like a hypothetical stream of the purest water and every user of that water downstream requires it to be pure, even the little girl who scoops it up in a small inert bowl to give to her puppy, just where the stream enters the ocean. All kinds of impurities could enter that stream in it's water course and adulterate the water during it's journey. The original environment which created the river is of inestimable value because it creates pure water. All the elements touching it on it's journey have only one job and that is to guide it to the ocean uncontaminated for once contaminated it can only be contaminated further and not returned to it's original state.

The illumination system, microscope sample and objective lens are the same as the environment that created the pure water, of inestimable value in the microscope system. Everything else downstream in the optical system must maintain the quality of the primary image, so that it can be captured somewhere in it's path as pure as is possible so that it can be used, in your case as a faithfull image capture on an ipad or smartphone instead of through eyepieces, pretty much the same as the little girl giving pure water to a puppy.

There is also a second scenario or analogy and that is that the watershed produces a somewhat contaminated stream at the beginning and just before it is used, let's say by the puppy, it gets processed in some fashion in order to purify it.
Actually most microscopes are more akin to the second analogy but irregardless, it is nonetheless important to start with as good or pure an image as possible, otherwise the purification of the image can be difficult to impossible.

You cannot make a better microscope image by choosing a better camera, you can only hope to preserve whatever quality of image it has received, certain programs notwithstanding that are designed to scrub it clean. Since just one objective lens that emits an almost pure image is many thousands of dollars ( of inestimable value), the order of purchase in order to assemble as close to a perfect microscope system as possible in your case should be : listed below .....and all within budget, which is what by the way?
1) the stand and the best compatible objectives as possible to produce as good an image as possible
2) the correct optic if necessary, in order to rectify the image to be projected faithfully to the camera sensor.
3) a camera with sensor and a method of transferring the image to a chosen viewing device ; ipad or phone.
4) ipad or phone? I am not sure whether this exists already and whether you intend to use the camera in one of those devices. If you are wanting to do video, there are currently limitations to using a smartphone or ipad camera to get good video where motion is rapid and that is the shutter technology.

Number 3 and 4 get a bit flexible because the image quality at the camera can be more or less depending on your standards. If you do your homework and purchase an optical system that provides a flat projected image with as much freedom from aberrations as you can afford to a sensor of sufficient size and resolution that you can afford, then it just then needs bluetooth as well unless you might want to just go direct to device, which would be the most economical but of lesser quality, certainly for video.

I think the biggest decision you have right now is ; how much do you want to spend. A global shutter bluetooth camera with stacking for instance, which would get you where I think you are wanting to go is just shy of $1000.00 alone but I am pretty sure you might be looking more at $500.00 for the whole shebang?

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Re: Looking to buy compound microscope with either wireless OR monitor and ability to take video and pix

#4 Post by jackieone » Mon Nov 20, 2023 3:52 am

Thanks so much for both responses.

My budget is pretty small as I'm a beginner hobbyist totally fascinated with microscopy. I'm wanting to see a bit more detail of the water life (ciliates, protists, diatoms) and be able to take decent photos and videos of them.
So I'm currently in the $300-ish category.

Since I posted, I've found a wifi camera which will connect to iOS. The cost for just the Digital WiFi Microscope Camera - MOTICAM X5 is $422. Using the smartphone or iPad camera won't give me good images, so I guess the wifi camera is the option I'm looking at. But that's without the microscope!

I've also found a Barska microscope (Barska AY12226 4.0MP Digital Microscope with LCD Screen) with a 3.7" screen (tiny) but the price $287 won't break the bank. It says I can take pictures/video and save to sd card, so that's interesting. The specs listed "look good" but what do I know. They all look good to me at this point. LOL!

Then I've found what appears to be perfect, the National Optical DCX-205-RLED Wi-Fi Microscope with 1.3MP Camera. From the site: "Once you have obtained a proper position, focus, and illumination, you can take advantage of the built-in 1.3MP camera and its Wi-Fi capability that allows you and your audience to view images and videos on an external monitor or to transfer data to your computer or a smart device. You can connect to iOS or Android mobile devices via a free MotiConnect app or to your computer through its browser." This one runs about $500. If I could get decent feedback on the optics, this might be the one even though it's out of the budget right now.

I understand and agree that I have to begin with the best image I can afford, and the camera comes next. Honestly, I've seen so many numbers and details, I have no idea what is "good" or "better" for the price range I'm in right now.

Thanks again, sincerely, for your help and feedback.

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Re: Looking to buy compound microscope with either wireless OR monitor and ability to take video and pix

#5 Post by PeteM » Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:07 am

Sorry to say, the National Optical DCX-205-RLED Wi-Fi is precisely what I wouldn't suggest. It's a mechanically poor microscope, with a lousy stage, missing a proper condenser, with mediocre optics, and a more or less incompetent (by today's standards) 1.3mp camera.

Most any other $150 monocular microscope (especially if a decent used one, but also new) would provide better images with an older generation cell phone camera (say iPhone 6 with a faster 8mp camera). You might already have something like that from a previous generation. If not, a new-old-stock phone might cost $60 to $70.

The better stand will have a mechanical stage to track protists, a condenser that can easily be adapted for darkfield, better focus controls, possibly Kohler illumination, and likely (if chosen judiciously from used scopes) a four-place turret with better optics. You might even get phase contrast for less than the $500 of that new scope - which can be useful for protists. Should you wish, the head will remove and likely have room to add polarization - useful for many subjects.

The phone camera can run on WiFi. With a $20 holder it can clamp to an eyepiece, providing proper corrections. Depending on the model of phone camera (Android, Apple, etc.) there's usually a way to upload pictures and videos, sync a larger monitor, and add a remote release. For around $200 to $300 you'd have a better stand, better optics, and a much better (and upgradeable) camera.

If you really like the idea of the National Optical scope, at least buy a regular scope and then add a cheap 1.3mp USB camera to insert instead of an eyepiece. It won't be very good, but at least you won't be forever stuck with that camera.

Jackieone, I realize there's a learning curve here that can be daunting. However, a few hours spent learning the basics can reward you with a far better experience.

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Re: Looking to buy compound microscope with either wireless OR monitor and ability to take video and pix

#6 Post by jackieone » Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:25 pm

Much thanks for all the detailed information.

What you listed makes sense, and affordable. From the many similar to actual-duplicates of descriptions of features, most of these microscopes seem to be made in the same factory overseas. Reviews from buyers are often contradictory, and often they're enthusiasts like myself, who know only a bit about what's "good" vs "better" for the price.

Most microscope descriptions tout "mechanical stage" and "fine and coarse focus controls" and some mention "Abbe condenser" and "Kohler illumination" and if you've read the specs on the National Optical it sounds like the best of the best...great advertising, anyway. And therein lies the problem: I have a checklist of sorts, but can I trust the vendor to be truthful, or the reviewers to be honest and not giving a 5-star review in exchange for a gift from the vendor.

I'll continue my search, there's really no urgency except I keep thinking of all those juicy water animalcules that are "getting away" while I research this! LOL!

As I have more specific questions, I'll come back here and perhaps you'll be able to help me through this maze of information.

Now, I'm going to look at the amazing pictures and videos posted by other forum members!

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Re: Looking to buy compound microscope with either wireless OR monitor and ability to take video and pix

#7 Post by jackieone » Tue Nov 21, 2023 9:05 pm

Thanks to deep discounts on microscopes for Black Friday, the input received from members of this forum, and Oliver's store, I've located and ordered a microscope which I think will do the trick: Swift SW380B plus Oliver's pick for phone adapter.
It definitely made sense to keep monitor and camera separate, as suggested. Saved about $80 on the microscope (within budget) and I think I'm going to enjoy looking at those animalcules when it arrives.
I'll see how it goes without a monitor, to start.
Again, thank you for your input and suggestions!

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