The Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides canis)

The Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides canis) is an external parasite which can be found in the fur of both dogs and cats. The adult female flea reaches a size between 2 and 4mm. Males are a little smaller, 2-3mm.

Spirogyra Algae

Spirogyra alga

Microscopic picture of the algae Spirogyra. The algae possesses a spiral shaped chloroplast, which is clearly visible in the cell.

Elderberry (Sambucus)


Microscopic image of the cross section through the stem of an elder plant (Sambucus)

Shaving Foam

Shaving foam under the microscope. Dark field illumination.

Potato Stach Grains

Potato starch grains in bright field.

Here I would like to show you two images of potato starch grains taken with different optical contrasting methods.