Using clear nail polish to make impressions of plant leaves

Apply some nail polish to make impressions of leaves. This way you can observe the epidermis of the leaf.

Dandelion pollen in dark-field

The pollen grains from a dandelion (Taraxacum sp.) were collected and air-mounted (no liquid mounting medium used). Eleven separate images were stacked together to increase the depth of field and to produce the final image. The color contrast was then Read More …

Digital methods for improving microscopic photographs

Digital photography gives the users many new possibilities in improving photographs taken through the microscope. This post gives an overview of the different image processing functions that can be applied to microscopic images.

Spirogyra Algae

Microscopic picture of the algae Spirogyra. The algae possesses a spiral shaped chloroplast, which is clearly visible in the cell.

Sand from the Kalahari Desert

Sand from the Kalahari desert under the microscope. Dark field illumination.

Kiwifruit Mystery

There are always new things to be discovered, as in the case of some interesting structures in a kiwi.

Hydra, a fresh-water polyp

Hydra, a fresh-water polyp.

Observing a Kiwifruit

Soft specimens can be observed by squashing a small sample between the slide and the cover glass. Here I would like to present: a Kiwi fruit

Mystery Object in Dust (Anthrenus sp.)

Anthrenus sp. is also known as a “carpet beetle”, and is known to eat textile material. Not a good thing to have it around in a household.