How to make macro images


This time I’d like to talk about a topic which is only indirectly related to microscopy: macro imaging.



Volvox is a fresh water green algae and a member of the Chlorophyta.

Dandelion parachute ball up close


This is one of the first tries taking pictures with my new Sigma objective, and I have to admit that I’m very satisfied with the lens.

Ranunculus (Buttercup) pollen

Ranunculus repens pollen in bright field

Spring time is pollen time! Here are two images of Ranunculus repens (the Creeping Buttercup or Creeping Crowfoot) pollen.

Trichinella spiralis – the “pork worm”

Trichinella spiralis is the smallest nematode parasite in humans. It causes the disease trichinosis. It is also one of the most wide spread parasites of the world. It can be contracted by eating raw or half-cooked pork or wild game animals.

The Tick (Ixodidae)


A tick in dark field. Ticks are parasites that feed on blood. They are known to transmit a variety of diseases, such as Lyme disease (borreliosis) and tick-borne encephalitis.