500 magazine downloads in 3 weeks

The Magazine

Today we celebrate the download of the 500th MicrobeHunter magazine, and I expect the download frequency to go up with every issue.

Currently I’m working on the next issue (for Feb. 2011), which will be released around January 20th, 2011. At this point, I would also like to thank those people who have sent in contributions. It is the active participation of the microscopy community which makes a magazine like this interesting and diverse (articles that I receive later than middle of January, I’ll include in the March issue – Read the submissions page for more info.)

Facebook page

Followers of the MicrobeHunter Facebook page will also have noticed that I’m now posting a microscopy-related link every day. I encourage everyone to post comments to the Facebook wall as well. If you want to receive and automatic status update, then click on the “like” button.

There is another newly established Microscopy Facebook page, that you may be interested in.

The Forum

As of now, there are 19 registered members in the forum, with a total of 82 posts. After a slow start, the forum is now also starting to take off, and I hope that it becomes a platform for interesting conversations.

The Website

I now added a microscope supplies page to the main menu. It contains a list of microscopy-related products that can be purchased over Amazon.com.

Guest Bloggers

If there is anyone interested also in contributing guest blogs, then please contact me. The blog and the magazine should be a platform for microscopy-fans of all levels to exchange their experience and enthusiasm.